(Echo Teaching Centre) A teaching aid and computer supported modern teaching centre Bandai Khara, Naogaon, Bangladesh
Bandai Khara High School – An Unforgettable Institution
My life at the school
I feel very proud of recalling my time with Bandai Khara High School during the period 1978-1982. Although, many of the details of what I learned and experienced had faded away, the ones that were most interesting, still remain in my memories. This short write-up is for the Diamond Jubilee Alumni Get-Together Celebration on the 60th Anniversary of the school being organized on January 16, 2010.
Our school was unique in the region in terms of education, resources and teaching quality. Many well-placed individuals at home and abroad studied at this school. Although, I studied at various educational institutions in Bangladesh, Britain, Canada and the United States, my memories always tend to go back to the unforgettable time I had at Bandai Khara High School.
Every teacher played a key role in enhancing my knowledge on various subjects. Our Headmaster Elahi Baksh Sarker was exceptionally instrumental in teaching English and Mathematics that became my foundation for subsequent studies. He is a great personality with an incredible source of knowledge and experience.
It was one of my habits to read books from the school library. Reading was one of the skills I learned at the school. It requires concentration and patience to understand the intent of a book. Some individuals get frustrated reading only a few pages. They are the ones who generally do not do well in life. Reading is a habit and a skill that everyone needs for success.
Whatever I do and whoever I have become today, I sincerely acknowledge the efforts of the teachers in developing a great foundation during my studies at the school.
I appreciate the unique leadership of our teacher Tofazzal Hossain and those who are involved in organizing the event and publishing this souvenir.
Making the school visible to the world
Many students of this school are now in different cities of Bangladesh and abroad. A website on the school may provide a great source of information for them and others. The school can also publicize itself to different organizations for various purposes. Besides, the website can provide an excellent networking opportunity with the up-to-date contact details of past students.
I would be happy to assist in getting a website up and running for the school. For now, information about the school can be accessed through the link www.protiddhoni.com/bandaikhara.html.
The world is very small now because of the rapid advancement in the Internet and telecommunication systems. The “digital world” has brought us very close to each other. Aslam has the knowledge in getting the necessary information assembled for the school’s website. He can send me the materials required for the website through email.
The souvenir, pictures, videos, audio clips and other documentation on the event can be uploaded on the website from here in Canada. Everyone will be able to see what happened and what is happening at the school using cell phones, blackberries, laptops and computers anytime and from anywhere in the world.
Some essential skills for success in life
What makes an individual successful in life? Is it only good educational background?
There are two types of skills, hard and soft. Hard skills originate from educational and professional knowledge and are industry specific. For example, an electrical engineer is able to design and implement an electrical power distribution system or a medical doctor is able to diagnose and provide treatment to a patient.
What are soft skills? Well, these skills influence how we interact with each other. They are also called people skills. Some examples include effective communication, creativity, analytical thinking, flexibility, adaptability, problem solving, motivation, diplomacy, conflict resolution, interpersonal abilities, leadership, team building, listening, multitasking and presentation. No one can be fully successful in life without these skills. Soft skills are generally not taught in traditional educational institutions. Nevertheless, they are extremely important in expressing our ideas clearly and performing our jobs efficiently and effectively. To be successful in life, a combination of both hard and soft skills is critical.
The importance of learning English does not require any debate. As a rule of thumb, people tend to think that anyone who is good at English will be good at other subjects as well. Good knowledge in English helps everyone do better in undertaking higher studies. Those who are good at English also get better professional opportunities at home and abroad. In many instances, I have seen immigrants with good command in English being placed well in Canada and elsewhere in the world.
Proper English pronunciation is also an important aspect. The way we speak English at home is understandable to ourselves. However, when it comes to speaking to British, Americans or the individuals whose first language is English, it becomes difficult for them to understand our accents. Practicing proper English pronunciation at an early age is undoubtedly essential.
Concluding remarks
After the primary level, Bandai Khara High School was the major institution where I equipped myself with knowledge in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and geography that determined the subsequent direction in my life. Almost everyone who did well at the school did well later in life.
Those who would like to be successful in life either at home or abroad should learn hard and soft skills and English with good pronunciation.
Living abroad, I miss our beloved motherland, our little village and our unforgettable high school at Bandai Khara more than ever before.
I wish the Diamond Jubilee Alumni Get-Together Celebration a huge success.
Bhagbat Sarker, CRSP Canadian Registered Safety Professional Toronto, Canada Web: www.bhagbat.com
Batch # 1982 (passing year)
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Aslam Hossain Mridha
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